May 3-6, 2015 Asilomar, California

SNAPL: The Inaugural Summit oN Advances in Programming Languages

Calling all Programming Language Researchers!

The programming languages community has several excellent conferences. We are creating a new venue that complements these by discussing big-picture questions. We hope that the inaugural Summit oN Advances in Programming Languages (SNAPL) will grow into a meeting where our community comes to enjoy talks with inspiring ideas, fresh insights, and lots of discussion, in a professional environment.

SNAPL draws on the best elements of many successful meeting formats, including the database community's CIDR conference; the various Hot* conferences in systems; the practitioner-leaning Strange Loop; Seminars hosted at Dagstuhl; Working Groups run by IFIP; and *PLS regional programming language events. SNAPL will certainly develop its own unique character over time. You can read more about SNAPL at the PL Enthusiast blog. We plan to hold SNAPL every two years in early May, at Asilomar.


Link to proceedings, hosted in LIPIcs